"Essentially, Windmills By The Ocean are a near-instrumental outfit that could've been overlooked completely - I'd never even heard of them but Robotic Empire wisely chose to unleash both disc and vinyl versions of this tasty full-length. Nonetheless, the debut is somewhat repetitive, and while it hints at wondrous entities such as Isis during sludgy post-rock songs and Jesu during drone/doom tracks, WbtO fails to usurp those who would climb to great heights after this record was cut, although before anyone heard it. At first it may seem a slightly outlandish assertion, but I do indeed believe that the metal genre would be quite different had this appeared three years ago. Still, one must remember that despite the enjoyment to be gleaned, it merely reaches for greatness whereas the project's successors would incontestably attain it, which in effect says that this functioned as a stepping-stone to bigger and better things." http://metalreview.com