- 1 The high level hornpipe
- 2 Biddleston hornpipe
- 3 Carrick hornpipe
- 4 I'll get wedded in my auld
- 5 Gentle maiden
- 6 The lark in the clear air
- 7 Father O'Flynn
- 8 Skye crofters
- 9 Dr.McLeod of Alnwick
- 10 The swallow's tail reel
- 11 Mallorca (H.R.H.Duke of Windsor)
- 12 Madame Bonoparte
- 13 The last of the twins
- 14 Crookit bawbee
- 15 Bill Charlton's fancy
- 16 The exhibition hornpipe
- 17 Billy Pigg's hornpipe
- 18 The random
- 19 The wild hills of Wannies
- 20 J.R.Pigg
- 21 Dargai
- 22 Happy hours
- 23 Variations on there's nae guid luck about the house
- 24 Holey happenny
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