"The album starts with sounds. Sounds of a cheap organ, maybe just a casio-synthesizer. Nothing more than a minimal electro track without song or other noises. Slowly it evolves into static noise like a guitar amplifier is turned up. In the background we hear the sounds of the television like where standing in someone's living room while the organ is playing soothing sounds. As we start to get comforteble with the idea of tranquillity in a living room the whole atmosphere changes. Suddenly a drum computer is switched on and a guitar leads the way towards an actual song. Now can't I say it's your ordinary homemade thousand in a dozen song, it sounds like it's recorded on a tape reorder and the guitar sounds multilayered. Like everything on this album it puts you on the wrong foot whenever you least expect it."
- 1 In organ
- 2 Coffee
- 3 Empty well looking at the sky
- 4 Me
- 5 Just
- 6 Prague
- 7 Hey Jimmy
- 8 Swedish mouth
- 9 OK!
- 10 OK?
- 11 ...