The Croatian trio SAT Stoicizmo was founded in late 1981 and - after recording their main works in the period from 1982 to 1985 (including one personal change in late 1982) - split up in 1987. Both geographically and mentally remote from the centers of the music scene and practically nonexistent in public even in their Slavonian native country, they developed a unique style of futuristic music - too noisy and structurally complex for Rock & Pop, too "musical" for pure industrial, too rhythmical and physically offensive for modern classical music (resp. musique concrète) but also too "hadmade" as compared to the later techno... A suivre. Marinetti and Russolo's futuristic noise ethic taken to it's logical conclusion.
- 1 Po srednjeevropskom
- 2 Avionom
- 3 Nehaj
- 4 Futur egzakni