HAENDEL: Xerxes: "Ombra mai fu" (Kowalski)* Jules César: "Upstart, barbarian and trator" (Bowman)* The Choice of Hercules: "Lead goddess, lead the way" (Zaepffel)* Saül: "O Lord, whose mercies nymberless" (Esswood)* Admeto: "La tigre arde di sdegno" (Jacobs)* Le Messie: "He was despised" (Deller)* PURCELL: The Fairy Queen: "Hark, how all things" (Deller) * Ode à la reine Mary: "Sweetness of nature" (Brett, Bowman)* BACH: Messe si: "Agnus Dei" (Brett) * Oratorio de Noël: "Schließe, mein Herze" (Chance) * HASSE: Cleofide: "Se trova perdona" (Visse) - "Dov'e? si affretti" (Ragin)* PORPORA_ Solfeggio pour Farinelli (Christofelis) * CALDARA: "Soffi, mio caro Alcino" (Lesne)* GLUCK: Orfeo ed Euridice: "Che faro senza Euricide" /Kowalski)* MOZART: Mitridate: "Va, va, l'error mio palesa" (Kowalski)* ROSSINI: P.messe solen.:"Crucifixus" (Moreschi, castrat- document 1902 !)
- Jochen KOWALSKI Contre-ténor
- James BOWMAN Contre-ténor
- Alain ZAEPFFEL Haute-contre
- Paul ESSWOOD Contre-ténor
- René JACOBS Chef d'orchestre, Contre-ténor
- Alfred DELLER Contre-ténor, Direction
- Charles BRETT Contre-ténor
- Michael CHANCE Contre-ténor
- Dominique VISSE Haute-contre
- Derek LEE RAGIN Contre-ténor
- Aris CHRISTOFELIS Sopraniste
- Alessandro MORESCHI